Friday, December 6, 2013

Five Friday Faves and An Announcement of Awesome

It's Friday!

I don't know about you, but this week was painfully slow. The days dragged and it was a massive bummer. 

But finally, our weekend-heralding hero has arrived and he couldn't have come at a better time. I've got so many plans for this weekend that they required color-coding and serious scheduling on my Google calendar. For serious.

It is an all-out crafting marathon this weekend. 

I'll be spending this evening creating items for my shop and tomorrow morning is dedicated to photographing them so I can roll out more goodies for purchase. I'll be dropping my shop updates here on Tuesdays.

But best of all, I'll be having a craft-a-palooza for next week's big event on the blog.

Are you ready for this?

I am proclaiming next week "Pine Cone Week!"

Starting Sunday, I'll be sharing one project a day centered on a pine cone craft, gearing up for Christmas. I am totally geeking out about this and I'll be super busy whipping up these projects to share with you!

So, while I'm hopefully not burning my fingertips off with my glue gun and crafting till I drop, feel free to check out my five favorite pins of the week. Please remember to pin from the sources I've provided under each image, and feel free to follow along all week on Pinterest here.

Catch you on Sunday for Day #1 of Pine Cone Week: Prepping Your Pine Cones for Crafting.

Any big plans for the weekend? 

1 comment:

  1. oh my lord, i'm too incredibly excited for pinecone week! :P



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