Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to Paint a Door Red and Save Your Sanity - Part Deux

It is literally taking me weeks to finish painting this door, you guys.

What I thought would be a quick rainy Saturday project is officially taking me WEEKS. I mean, I am working 40 hours a week, volunteering my time with the youth organization 6 hours a week, and toddler wrangling and trying to keep the house from burning down the rest of my time. I am bummed out that this is taking so long.

Photo number three is where I left off last Sunday, admitting defeat for the week.

This Sunday, between prepping the powder room for it's makeover, I slapped another coat of red on the door.

And now here we are:

The blurryness is to hide my address.
I know we're all friends here, buuuuut....just in case.
And that reflection at the top of the door is horrendous.
My deepest and most profound apologies.

This also shows you a nice little glimpse of my totally insane flower beds in the front yard. The planter at the bottom left is actually from Shop Rite. The rug I found at Goodwill for $2.00, and you get a shot of my Morning Glory vine that absolutely refuses to flower, wahhhhhh.

Black is still showing through the red paint. After four coats. I wanted so desperately for this to be done. Fall is coming and I have some decor plans that neeeeeeeeed the door to be finished first. 

My uncle drove by the other day and said it looked great from the street. He told me to stop worrying so much.

As I was examining the door from the same vantage point as the last photo above, I finally declared it "okay". Yeah, the black is peeking through, but it gives it the look of a door antiqued with black glaze (which, coincidentally, I asked Denny if I could use and he vetoed the idea).

So, the door is painted. It is "done."

And now I'd like to offer up another tip to help you save your sanity: know when to call it quits. Sure, you might THINK you need to paint 14 million coats of red paint on your black door due to the fact that you failed to get primer tinted with gray to get the original black paint covered better, but know when to stop. You probably see a million flaws, but Joe Schmoe walking his dog past your house does. not. care. 

Next up for part three: door decor, and adding some season-appropriate annuals to add some more color to the space. I have calendula, petunias, and begonias planted willy-nilly around the flower beds, but I think the petunias and begonias are on their last legs. Looking forward to some mums for the fall!

Linking up to:
Sugar and DotsThe Blissful BeePlace of My TasteSouthern LovelyHouse of HepworthsThe Shabby Creek CottageThe Brambleberry CottageFrench Country CottageBlissful and DomesticMy Romantic HomeYoung and CraftyHouse of RoseStart at HomeLiving Better TogetherI Want CrazyThree Monkeys' Mommy


  1. Hi Brittany - Solidarity Sister! When we moved last year, I had to paint the front door red. It was like an obsession to have a red front door. And I painted and painted and quit at pretty much good enough. I still see the imperfections, but I focus on the fact that I'm healthy enough to paint it myself and it's perfect the way it is. Good luck with your other projects. Hugs, Holly @ coconutheadsurvivalguide

    1. Hi Holly! I love the way you approached what could otherwise be a frustrating situation (at least for me, it was! :) ). Red paint is a doozy! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. woow. I think it looks really nice :)
    and do not miss...


    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  3. I LOVE IT! Red is not my color, I have a tough time with it, but this is literally breath taking! As soon as you get a coat or two more on there you'll be golden. And PS your home is GORGEOUS! I'd die to have all of that space!!


    1. Thanks, Kylie :) I love the look of the door but I am so ready to not paint anything red EVER again! Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by!


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